Explore Kashan's historic houses & gardens
Explore Kashan's historic houses & gardens
Kashan's rose gardens and tranquility
Kashan's rose gardens and tranquility
Relax in Kashan's Amazing Persian Garden
Relax in Kashan's Amazing Persian Garden
Discover Kashan's ancient architecture
Discover Kashan's ancient architecture

Kashan, Iran Travel Guide

Kashan History

Nestled between the vast Dasht-e Kavir desert and the majestic mountains of central Iran lies the historic city of Kashan. Its origins trace back to prehistoric times, with artifacts revealing human settlements dating to the 6th millennium BC. The ancient site of Tepe Sialk, just outside Kashan, unveils a rich tapestry of early human civilization, boasting some of the world’s oldest ziggurats and intricate pottery.

Kashan flourished under various dynasties, notably during the Seljuk and Safavid periods, evolving into a hub of culture and commerce. The city’s strategic location on the Silk Road spurred its growth, attracting traders and artisans whose contributions enriched Kashan’s legacy. During the 11th century, under the Seljuks, the city became renowned for its exquisite ceramics, delicate textiles, and intricate tile work.

The Safavid era marked a golden age for Kashan. Shah Abbas I, recognizing the city’s potential, transformed it into a vibrant center of culture and trade. The cityscape blossomed with stunning architecture, including lush gardens, magnificent mosques, and elegant hammams. One of the most iconic landmarks from this period is the Fin Garden, an epitome of Persian garden design, combining symmetry, flowing water, and verdant greenery in perfect harmony.

Kashan’s historical resilience is evident in its ability to rebuild and flourish after numerous earthquakes. The 1778 earthquake caused significant destruction, but the city’s spirit of restoration led to the creation of some of its most beautiful structures. Among them, the Agha Bozorg Mosque and the Borujerdi House, with their remarkable architecture, reflect the artistry and craftsmanship that define Kashan’s heritage.

The city is also famous for its traditional houses, such as the Tabatabaei and Ameri Houses. These grand houses, with their beautiful courtyards and ornate stucco work, offer a glimpse into the opulent lifestyle of Kashan’s merchant class during the 19th century.

In addition to its architectural splendor, Kashan has a long-standing tradition of carpet weaving. Its finely woven carpets, distinguished by intricate patterns and vibrant colors, are sought after worldwide. The city’s bazaar, a bustling marketplace with a history stretching back centuries, remains a vibrant center of commerce, echoing with the sounds and sights of traders selling everything from spices to silk.

Today, Kashan stands as a testament to Iran’s rich cultural heritage, where ancient traditions blend seamlessly with modern life. Visitors to Kashan can wander through its historical alleys, marvel at its architectural masterpieces, and experience the enduring charm of a city that has gracefully preserved its past while embracing the future.

Kashan History

Best Time to Visit Kashan

Eager to discover the marvels of Kashan? Timing plays a crucial role in planning your journey to this captivating city, renowned for its rich historical, cultural, and natural heritage. As travelers embark on their Iranian adventures, choosing the ideal time to visit Kashan is key.

Each season in Kashan brings its unique allure, ensuring a memorable experience year-round. Yet, here’s a tip to enhance your visit:

Spring in Kashan


Spring in Kashan (Apr-Jun) is a delight with blooming gardens, especially the Golabgiri Festival in May. The mild weather and fragrant roses make it the best time to explore the city’s charm.

Summer in Kashan


Summer in Kashan means hot days and cool evenings. Explore its historical houses and bustling bazaars. As the sun sets, gardens like Fin offer a tranquil escape from the day’s heat.

Fall in Kashan


Autumn in Kashan offers mild weather, perfect for exploring the Fin Garden’s vibrant colors. The season adds a golden hue to historic sites, creating a picturesque setting for visitors.

Winter in Kashan


Winter in Kashan brings crisp, cool air, making it a serene escape. The city’s historical sites, like the Fin Garden, appear enchanting under a gentle blanket of frost, offering peaceful exploration.

Here’s a pro tip: 

Winter casts a serene charm over Kashan as tourism slows. This allows for leisurely exploration of its attractions, from ancient sites to cozy bazaars, without the crowds. For a peaceful experience of Kashan’s rich heritage and architectural beauty, plan your visit from December through February – the ideal time for a quiet and memorable trip.

Kashan Transportation

In Kashan, locals and tourists get around via taxis, buses, and private drivers. A private car isn’t necessary within Kashan, thanks to these efficient options. However, for exploring nearby villages and attractions, hiring a private car is advisable.

ToIranTour-Public Transportation Guide in Iran

Let the Experience Begin

Kashan Best Tours

Explore the charm of Kashan through our thoughtfully designed tours, unveiling its ancient sites, serene gardens, and the cultural heritage of its illustrious past. Delve into the city’s history, artistic traditions, and scenic landscapes, immersing yourself in a personalized exploration of this enchanting destination.

1-Day Abyaneh Village Tour

1-Day Camel Riding in Maranjab Desert

One-Day Kashan Tour

Kashan Tour of Culture & Crafts

Kashan Souvenirs & Handicrafts

Kashan, a hidden jewel in Iran, beckons with its rich history and artistic traditions. Beyond its architectural marvels and aromatic gardens, Kashan’s artisans weave tales into exquisite handicrafts and souvenirs. Let’s explore the vibrant world of Kashan’s cherished crafts and cultural treasures.


Immerse yourself in Kashan’s floral paradise with its prized Rosewater, a souvenir that embodies the essence of Persian heritage. Distilled from the finest Damask roses, this fragrant elixir reflects centuries-old traditions of perfume-making in Kashan. Each bottle carries the aroma of a city renowned for its botanical beauty, offering a sensory journey through Persian history and culture. Take home a piece of Kashan’s soul with this exquisite and aromatic souvenir.

Herbal Essences

Experience Kashan’s botanical legacy with our Herbal Essences, blending the essence of saffron and orange blossom into a sensory journey. Handcrafted to perfection, these essences encapsulate the allure of Kashan’s landscapes and traditions. A souvenir that speaks volumes about Persian culture.

Baklava, a cherished traditional treat found across Iran, holds a special place in Kashan’s culinary scene. Renowned for its exquisite aroma sourced from Kashan’s finest rosewater, this pastry comes in diverse varieties. From walnut and almond-filled delights to pistachio and hazelnut options, each type reflects Kashan’s rich baklava tradition. Indulge in these aromatic delights—a true taste of Kashan’s sweet heritage.

Hajji Badam
Although the name Hajji Badam takes us to Yazd and its traditional feel, this sweet is also common in Kashan, where it is very popular and found in most Kashani homes. Hajji Badam is mildly sweet and a great sugar substitute with tea. This small sweet makes an ideal Kashan souvenir, with good shelf life. Made from almond powder, chickpea flour, powdered sugar, and nutmeg, its fragrant and flavorful pairing with tea is perfect for a delightful afternoon.

Koloucheh is a traditional Iranian pastry, made in various forms across different cities. Kashan’s Koloucheh is a bit different from what you might expect. Unlike the Northern Koloucheh, this traditional pastry has no filling and is made from whole wheat flour, animal or vegetable oil, sugar, cardamom, saffron, and pistachios. It’s not overly sweet, so even if you aren’t a fan of sweet pastries, you should try this Kashan delicacy. Another advantage of this Koloucheh is its long shelf life, making it an ideal souvenir to take home for your loved ones.

Kashan Carpet

Kashan carpets, prized for their unique designs and rarity, stand as Iran’s finest souvenirs. Renowned for intricate weaving and natural hues, these UNESCO-listed treasures dominate Iran’s carpet industry, attracting global acclaim and making them a must-have for visitors and collectors alike.

Zari Bafi (Zari weaving)

Zari weaving, a renowned craft of Kashan, dates back to the Achaemenid era, adorning royalty and later gaining global acclaim during the Sassanid and Safavid periods. Today, these rare fabrics are prized for their vibrant patterns woven from silk and metallic threads, symbolizing Kashan’s rich cultural heritage.

Zilu, a handwoven cotton rug, offers softness and cooling comfort ideal for desert climates. In Kashan, artisans weave it with spontaneous patterns, creating a blend of practicality and artistic allure. Its softness, smooth texture, intricate designs, and vibrant colors make zilu a standout souvenir choice from Kashan, perfect for loved ones seeking both beauty and functionality.

Sha’r weaving
One of Kashan’s oldest souvenirs is Sha’r weaving, a form of silk textile weaving using a four-heddle loom. This craft produces scarves, towels, bedspreads, and Kurdish clothing in colors like purple, crimson, green, yellow, and black. These items are cherished souvenirs across Iran. If you value preserving this ancient art, consider buying Sha’r woven products when visiting Kashan.

Kilim is a souvenir from various Iranian cities, typically woven by nomads. This beautiful and authentic product is a rug made from wool, goat hair, or silk. Historically used to cover walls, floors, or animals, kilim is now a modern urban home covering. Kilims use natural dyes like tea, walnut, pomegranate, and madder. Buying this Kashan souvenir adds unique charm and beauty to your home, featuring traditional motifs and stunning colors.

The history of coppersmithing in the historic city of Kashan dates back to ancient times. Coppersmithing is a popular art in Iran, visible in many cities. Kashan significantly produces copper products and is an excellent place to buy high-quality copper items. We recommend visiting the coppersmiths’ bazaar during your trip to enjoy beautiful, colorful copper products, among the best souvenirs from Kashan.

Giveh, an ancient Iranian handicraft, is produced in various cities. Each region’s style varies, with knots and weaves designed for the local climate. This footwear, now popular among the youth, has an upper and a sole. Women weave the uppers, and men make the soles. Kashan’s giveh, crafted in villages like Nashalj, is displayed in shops, reviving this traditional art. In Kashan, you can buy beautiful, high-quality givehs as souvenirs.

Kashi (Kashan Tile)

Another popular souvenir among tourists in Kashan is the Kashan tile. Made from the soil of Kashan, these beautiful tiles adorn the city’s historic buildings, showcasing their elegance. The turquoise tiles of Kashan reflect the precision and artistry of local craftsmen. To take a piece of Kashan’s soil and art home, choose Kashan tiles. Their exquisite designs and intricate patterns narrate a rich history and culture.



Kashan Highlights; Top 10 Must-Sees

Discover the charm of Kashan, where history and modern life intertwine effortlessly. Explore historic landmarks, browse through vibrant markets filled with local crafts, and enjoy the delectable tastes of Persian cuisine. Kashan greets you with open arms, inviting you to immerse yourself in its unique blend of heritage and modern allure. Whether you’re meandering through beautiful gardens or uncovering hidden spots in the city’s streets, Kashan promises an enchanting adventure for every visitor.

Must-Taste Cuisine in Kashan

Chelou Dizi

In Kashan, Chelou Dizi stands out as a comforting and flavorful dish, a testament to the region’s culinary tradition. This delicious stew combines lamb, chickpeas, potatoes, and a blend of local spices, all simmered together to create a rich and savory meal. Served with Chelou, or Persian rice, the stew’s robust flavors are perfectly complemented by the delicate grains. This dish not only reflects Kashan’s rich gastronomic heritage but also provides a warm, hearty meal loved by locals and visitors alike.

Sumac Kufta

Sumac Kufta from Kashan is a delightful blend of minced meat, herbs, and onions, elevated by the zesty addition of sumac. This dish, often grilled, highlights the aromatic and bold flavors of Persian cuisine. Sumac’s tanginess complements the savory meat perfectly, making each bite a burst of taste. Served with rice or bread, Sumac Kufta is a staple in Kashan, offering a taste of the local culture and culinary excellence. It’s a dish that’s as comforting as it is flavorful, beloved by locals and visitors alike.


 In Kashan, the dish “Goosht-o-Lobia” exemplifies the region’s rich culinary heritage, combining meat and beans in a flavorful stew. Slow-cooked with traditional spices, the tender meat and creamy beans offer a comforting, satisfying taste. This dish, often paired with bread or rice, showcases the local ingredients and cooking methods that define Kashan’s gastronomic culture, making it a favorite among locals and visitors alike.

Quince Fruit Broth

Quince Fruit Broth, or “Abgoosht Beh,” hails from Kashan, an ancient city renowned for its culinary traditions. This traditional stew combines quince, lamb, and chickpeas, simmered with onions and subtle spices. The quince imparts a unique tartness, perfectly balanced by the richness of the meat. Served with crusty bread, it’s a favorite during the cooler months, offering a warming and flavorful dining experience. This dish highlights the delicate interplay of sweet and savory that defines Kashan’s gastronomic identity.

Chickpeas Stew

Chickpeas Stew, or “Abgoosht Nokhod” in Kashan, is a traditional Iranian dish celebrated for its comforting and wholesome qualities. Made with tender chickpeas simmered in a tomato-based broth, the stew is enriched with aromatic herbs and spices. This classic Kashan dish is often enjoyed with bread, allowing the rich flavors to meld beautifully. A staple of local cuisine, Chickpeas Stew represents the warmth and hospitality of Kashan, offering a taste of its rich cultural heritage in every bite.

Kashan stands out as one of Iran’s significant historical cities, renowned for its cultural and architectural heritage. This city, besides its rich history and architecture, also boasts delectable traditional foods that are hard to overlook. Kashan offers a variety of local dishes, so we recommend acquainting yourself with these foods and ingredients before visiting to enjoy your favorite delicacies during your trip. Continue with ToIranTour as we introduce you to the must-taste foods in Kashan.

A note on Kashan’s top cuisine: rice is a staple grain in Iranian cuisine, prepared mainly by two methods: draining and boiling, often flavored with spices like saffron. In Persian, cooked rice is known as Polo. In the following, you’ll discover many dishes prepared with different types of Polo, reflecting Kashan’s rich culinary tradition.

Where to Stay in Kashan

Enjoy Persian hospitality in Kashan, where a range of accommodations caters to every preference. From boutique hotels in ancient houses to centrally located lodgings, the city provides diverse options. Relish in comfort and explore Kashan’s deep cultural and historical roots during your stay. Each accommodation offers a unique glimpse into the city’s blend of old and new, enhancing your travel experience.

5* Hotels in Kashan

Kashan offers luxurious stays at its top 5-star hotels. Saraye Ameriha Boutique Hotel combines Persian architecture with modern amenities, featuring elegant rooms and a serene courtyard. Manouchehri House blends tradition with luxury in a restored historic mansion, offering sophisticated accommodations and a fine restaurant. Matin Abad Eco Resort offers a unique blend of luxury and nature, providing chic lodgings in a desert setting with eco-friendly amenities, enriching your stay with authentic experiences.

Kashan Boutique Hotels

Explore Kashan’s top boutique hotels: Manouchehri House blends Persian architecture with modern comfort, featuring restored rooms, a serene courtyard, and a rooftop terrace. Saraye Ameriha Boutique Hotel offers Safavid-era opulence, with antique furnishings, Persian gardens, and a spa. Sang Poloy Traditional Hotel charms with its 19th-century mansion ambiance, Persian decor, and tranquil courtyard. Each hotel promises a unique blend of history and luxury, ensuring an unforgettable stay in Kashan.

4* Hotels in Kashan

Explore Kashan’s hospitality at its finest with three outstanding 4-star hotels. Negin Traditional Hotel enchants with Persian architecture, luxurious rooms, and a serene courtyard. Negarestan Hotel, centrally located, boasts spacious accommodations, a rooftop terrace with city panoramas, and an authentic Iranian dining experience. Each promises a unique blend of luxury and cultural immersion, perfect for a memorable stay in Kashan.

3* Hotels in Kashan

Experience contemporary elegance at the Amir Kabir Hotel, a 3-star retreat offering comfort and convenience in Kashan. Located within easy reach of the city’s main attractions, this modern hotel boasts spacious rooms equipped with all essential amenities for a relaxing stay. Guests can enjoy panoramic views of the city from the rooftop terrace or unwind with a swim in the indoor pool. The hotel’s restaurant serves a variety of local and international dishes, catering to diverse tastes. Whether exploring Kashan’s historic sites or enjoying modern comforts, the Amir Kabir Hotel provides a perfect blend of convenience and hospitality.

Hostels in Kashan

Explore Kashan’s top hostels embodying Persian hospitality and heritage. Mahinestan Raheb Traditional Hotel, near Agha Bozorg Mosque, features rooms with Persian motifs and a serene courtyard. Noghli Traditional House, near Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse, offers cozy rooms with traditional carpets, promising an authentic Iranian stay. Discover comfort and cultural immersion in Kashan.

The Best of Kashan

Explore Kashan, where every corner tells a story of ancient Persian heritage and natural wonders. From the opulent Tabatabaei and Boroujerdi Houses to the tranquil Fin Garden, immerse yourself in the architectural marvels and lush greenery that define this enchanting city. Wander through bustling bazaars, uncover the mysteries of Noushabad Underground City, and escape to the serene landscapes of Maranjab Desert. Discover the seasonal delights of Niasar’s Rosewater Festival, adding a touch of cultural vibrancy to your journey through Kashan. Get ready to uncover the timeless beauty and rich history of this hidden gem in Iran!

How to Spend 3 Days in Kashan

Discover Kashan, a city where history and natural beauty intertwine. Over three days, explore architectural gems like Tabatabaei and Boroujerdi Houses, stroll through the serene Fin Garden, and unwind in the ancient Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse. Wander vibrant bazaars, delve into Noushabad Underground City, and venture into Maranjab Desert for a night under starry skies. If visiting in spring, join the lively Rosewater Festival in Niasar. Whether exploring history, nature, or local culture, Kashan promises an unforgettable journey.

Explore Historical Kashan

Begin your exploration with a visit to the magnificent Tabatabaei House , renowned for its exquisite architecture and historical significance. Next, head to the UNESCO-listed Fin Garden (Bagh-e Fin) , a lush Persian garden dating back to the 16th century. Explore its refreshing pools, old cypress trees, and the historical bathhouse that adds to its charm. Afterwards, visit the Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse (Hamam-e Sultan Amir Ahmad) , adorned with stunning tile work and architecture that offers a glimpse into traditional Persian bathing rituals.
Continue your journey with a visit to the Agha Bozorg Mosque and Madrasa , an architectural masterpiece dating back to the 18th century, featuring intricate tile work and a serene ambiance perfect for spiritual reflection.
Conclude your day exploring the vibrant Kashan Traditional Bazaar, where you can shop for local handicrafts, spices, and textiles, while soaking in the bustling atmosphere of this historical marketplace.

Excursion to the Desert

Embark on an excursion to Noushabad Underground City , an ancient subterranean complex known for its fascinating architecture and historical significance. Explore the interconnected tunnels, rooms, and ventilation shafts that once served as a refuge and storage area.
From Noushabad, journey to Maranjab Desert, located approximately 50 kilometers northeast of Kashan. Depending on the season (avoiding July to September due to extreme heat), experience the tranquility of the desert landscape, ride camels, and marvel at the expansive sand dunes and salt lake.
Spend the night in Maranjab Desert, gazing at the starlit sky and enjoying the peaceful ambiance of this natural wonder.

A Unique Festival Experience

If visiting during spring (May-June), start your day by joining the vibrant festivities of the Rosewater Festival in Niasar. Experience the traditional process of making rosewater, participate in cultural activities, and immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of this annual celebration.
After the festival, visit the picturesque Niasar Waterfall , known for its serene beauty and refreshing surroundings. Take a leisurely stroll around the waterfall, enjoy the natural scenery, and capture memorable moments amidst this tranquil oasis.
Return to Kashan in the afternoon, where you can conclude your journey with a relaxing evening, perhaps exploring more of the city's hidden gems or indulging in a farewell dinner at a local restaurant, reflecting on your unforgettable experiences in Kashan.

Kashan FAQs

The best time to visit Kashan is during spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November). These seasons offer pleasant weather with moderate temperatures, ideal for exploring the city's attractions comfortably.

Kashan is accessible by road from major cities like Tehran and Isfahan. You can also take a domestic flight to Esfahan Airport and then travel by road to Kashan, approximately a 2-hour drive away.

Some of the must-see attractions in Kashan include: Tabatabaei House Sultan Amir Ahmad Bathhouse (Hamam-e Sultan Amir Ahmad) Fin Garden (Bagh-e Fin) Agha Bozorg Mosque and Madrasa Ameri House Bazaar of Kashan (Bazaar-e Kashan)

Some local dishes to try in Kashan include: Beryani (a type of lamb stew) Baghala Ghatogh (broad bean and dill stew) Koloocheh (traditional pastry filled with nuts or dates) Saffron-flavored desserts and sweets

Kashan offers a range of accommodations from boutique hotels in historic houses to traditional guesthouses (like Manouchehri House and Mahinestan Raheb Traditional Hotel) that provide a unique cultural experience. It's recommended to book in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons.

The best time to visit Kashan is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) months when the weather is mild and pleasant, making it ideal for exploring the city's attractions comfortably.

Popular souvenirs from Kashan include traditional handicrafts such as pottery, textiles, and carpets. You can also find rosewater products, local sweets, and spices like saffron that are typical of Persian cuisine.

Kashan Gallery